The first half of 2023 is already over and summer holidays are around the corner. It has been a very fruitful half year for Qilimanjaro in many senses, but we would like to highlight our presence in many national and international events.
The first big event of 2023 was the Mobile World Congress, where Qilimanjaro had the chance to be part of the Quantum Flagship shared stand. That was a great opportunity to strengthen relations with our fellow companies in the European Quantum Landscape and also to welcome other visitors interested in what we do. But, above all, it was the perfect place to present one of our biggest milestones of the year: the project to deliver the first quantum computer in Spain together with GMV at the BSC in the framework of the Quantum Spain initiative.
Some weeks later, Albert Solana, our CBO, had the chance to participate in the Hello Tomorrow Deep Tech Global Forum in Paris, where we were invited as winners of last year BCN Deep Tech Forum.
As part of the Quantum Business Network (QBN), so far, we have been able to participate in the meeting on Quantum Computing for Chemistry, Materials Science and Pharma, in Ehningen, Germany, and in the meeting on Quantum Computing and Applications, which Qilimanjaro co-hosted at the BSC. In both of them, Marta P Estarellas, our CEO, had the chance to present Qilimanjaro and its Quantum ASIC approach.
Apart from the big events, from time to time, Qilimanjaro has the chance to participate in roundtables or other talks at a national level, such as the Future Trends Forum organized by Fundación Bankinter or the Innovation Breakfast organized by Foment del Treball.
From a Talent perspective, Qilimanjaro tries to be present in the main local fairs to attract students at different levels. In this line, during this first half we have been at the Talent Fair organized by the Physics Faculty from the University of Barcelona, followed by a hands-on workshop for a selected group of students, and in the Quantum Careers Forum organized by ICFO.
Some weeks ago, Albert Solana also participated in the HPCKP23 Annual Meeting, where he presented Qibo, our full-stack quantum computing framework and Eva Martin, our Product Manager, attended the Quantum Meets conference organized by Quantum Delta, where she presented the Barcelona Quantum Landscape.
Finally, the last big event where Qilimanjaro had a great presence was the Quantum Matter 2023, in Madrid. The conference brought together again the main players of the European area, with a special focus on technical topics. We had the chance to have an exhibitor there, and our CEO participated in a round table discussion.