Qilimanjaro in the Analysis of Deep tech Startup Ecosystem in Catalunya 2022

Qilimanjaro has been featured in the Technological Report from Acció on the Analysis of the Deep tech Startup Ecosystem in Catalunya in 2022.

The report advances the definition of deep tech in order to determine its scope and establish the technologies and companies that may be considered deep tech. Furthermore, the report includes global trends and impact, while mapping the ecosystem of deep tech startups in Catalunya.

Qilimanjaro fits perfectly the description of a startup, younger of 10 years old, a newly created innovative company, founded by entrepreneurs with the will and ambition to grow it. Moreover fits the description of a deeptech, focused on the global market, and having roots in both science, technology and engineering and exploiting new scientific and technological knowledge. 

While the report considers quantum computing technologies as deep tech, Qilimanjaro is described as one of the 18 Relevant Cases of Deep tech companies in Catalunya.  Between the quantum computing companies, Qilimanjaro is one of the three companies working in this technological area, alongside Quside and Luxquanta. The report outlines that quantum computing represents only 0.7% of the deep tech companies, while biotechnology companies have the higher number with 39.7% in Catalunya.

Qilimanjaro is glad to be actively part of the Catalan ecosystem built by the 291 active startups deep tech, the 7th ecosystem in Europe in volume of funding raised by startups in venture capital (2017-2022).

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